Six Reasons Why Potatoes Should Be Considered A Superfood

“That which is rich in components favorable to a person’s health” is the definition of a superfood. So it is reasonable to call the humble potato a superfood. But hold on! Do potatoes include empty calories? lacking in nutrition? A mere filler and, worse even, a calorie-dense food?

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

Potatoes are more than simply simple sugars. Here are six reasons why we should be referring to the potato as a superfood. They are a nourishing vegetable that many healthy ancient cultures have subsisted on.

1. Highly Absorbable Nutrients Are Provided By Potatoes

Potassium, magnesium, copper, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, and iron are minerals that are essential for several biological processes. Importantly, potatoes have a lower phytic acid level than other starchy foods like rice, pasta, and bread, allowing for the best absorption of these minerals.

2. Potatoes Contain Vitamin C

Vitamin C content per medium potato is 40 mg. Even if boiling reduces its amount by 30%, the remaining 15 mg still accounts for 5% of the daily required consumption. Pull out the potatoes the next time you have a cold instead of just the orange juice!

3. The Satiety Index Of Potatoes Is High

Potatoes outperformed other foods when their capacity to sate hunger was evaluated. Potatoes prepared healthfully (baked, roasted, or sautéed) were demonstrated to be a healthy component of a balanced weight reduction diet, perhaps due to their ability to stave off hunger.

Because of their high glycemic index (GI), a measurement of a food’s ability to spike blood sugar, potatoes have been avoided by many people. For those with poor blood sugar regulation, such as type II diabetics, who should limit their intake of high GI meals, this can be an issue. It’s interesting to note that studies have shown that adding vinegar or chilling potatoes significantly reduces their GI.

4. Important B Vitamins Are Abundant In Potatoes

The creation of mood-enhancing substances like serotonin, DNA, and proteins, as well as the production of energy, all depend on B vitamins. In addition to vitamin B6, potatoes also contain considerable amounts of niacin (B3), folate (B9), and choline (B4), the latter of which improves brain function.

5. Complete Protein Is Found In Potatoes

4 grams of protein, or just under 10% of the daily required amount, may be found in one medium potato. Most significantly, potato protein contains all 9 essential amino acids, making it complete (albeit 3 of them, tryptophan, methionine, and cysteine in low amounts). Serving the potato with butter, cheese, or a dollop of Greek yogurt will fix this.

6. Potatoes Provide Resistant Starch, Which Supports Good Gut Bacteria

The healthy bacteria in the colon are fed by the amylose found in cooked and cooled potatoes, which is not digestible by the stomach or small intestine. These helpful intestinal bacteria consume amylose and generate the short-chain fatty acid butyrate. Butyrate is indeed a magical chemical! It supports a healthy intestinal barrier and prevents toxins from entering the bloodstream by nourishing the cells lining the colon. Butyrate helps with fat loss, insulin signaling, and metabolism while reducing unwelcome inflammation. Additionally, it lessens the DNA alterations brought on by consuming a lot of red meat, perhaps acting as an anti-cancer agent.


You now have it. Contrary to what we were told, potatoes are not nutritionally devoid. Although you might be tempted to live off of potatoes alone (they are tasty), like with all superfoods, moderation and amount control are crucial. Nothing surpasses a balanced, varied diet rich in whole, unadulterated foods, as science and common sense teach us. Feel free to include the inexpensive yet effective potato in your life.