All You Need To Know About PAS 9980:2022

The latest guidance is PAS (publicly accessible specification) 9980/2022, developed by the government and the British Standards Institute (BSI). This code of practice guides fire risks assessment and evaluation of external wall construction and cladding of existing blocks of flats. This code of practice was created to resolve the confusion caused by the Consolidated Advice Note, which stated that multi-occupancy buildings at any height would need an EWS1 assessment.

What Are The Goals Of The PAS9980?

The guidance outlines the nine objectives outlined in PAS9980.

a) To provide fire engineers and other competent professionals with a method for appraising and assessing fire spread via exterior wall construction and cladding. The outcome can then inform a building’s FRA (Fire Risk Assessment).

b) To enable recipients of the FRAA Fire Risk Appraisal and Assessment to understand the process and methodology used and to interpret the findings.

c) To assist non-fire experts in reviewing an FRAA, understanding the risk of external fire spread within the context of the building’s fire safety and strategy;

d) To promote a better understanding of fire risks associated with external walls and the limitations on what can and cannot be achieved in any FRAA while ensuring that new construction conforms to the standards for new building construction;

e) To allow common terminology used by those who do FRAAs.

f) To promote consistency in FRAAs and to provide a pragmatic approach to FRAAs;

g) To provide a solid basis for the documentation of FRAAs.

h) To provide consistent training in the execution of an FRAA and facilitate more entrants to the profession of FRAAs.

i) To satisfy professional indemnity insurance (PI) providers, a national standard underpins consistency when carrying out FRAAs.

For Whom Is The Guidance Contained In PAS9980 Intended?

This guidance is for fire engineers and other qualified building professionals to conduct fire risk assessments and appraisals. This code of practice includes several recommendations that ensure the professional performing the FRAEW (Fire Risk Assessments of External Walls) has the proper qualifications. This code of practice also offers clear guidance to the professionals performing these assessments. It aims at promoting consistency in the industry. For more guidance on PAS 9980, consult FR Consulting.

What Guidelines Does The PAS9980 Provide For Balconies?

The PAS 9980 divides balconies into three major categories.

A) Those entirely built within the curtilage of building structure

b) Those that extend beyond the main structure but are supported by the floor slab.

c) Those that extend beyond the main structure of the building and are attached to the exterior face of the building.

The article also stated that all materials should be examined, no matter what material was used to make the balcony. During the FRAEW, it is crucial to consider their role in spreading external fire. The rating of a building will be affected if it has many combustible materials in its construction.

What Approach Should The PAS Take To The FRAA?

The PAS 9980 introduces five-step risk-based approaches that guide qualified personnel to assess and rate fire risks in buildings within the scope. It also guides how to improve the risk rating. The fire risk of the building will determine whether it is to be classified as low, medium, or high. To get more information or help, consult Facade Consultants.

What Does PAS 9980 Mean To The Building Safety Crisis?

The PAS 9980 was created to help the industry reduce the number of buildings eligible for the EWS1 form. The new document states that multi-story, multi-occupancy facilities are included in the EWS1 scope. However, the minimum height is not specified. This could lead to mortgage lenders or professional indemnity insurer providers using the same practices that they did before. They can trap leaseholders and property owners without any way out.